Canadian Youth Academy of Sciences

Empowering Youth Through Science Excellence


At the Canadian Youth Academy of Sciences, we are dedicated to inspiring and empowering the next generation of Canadian innovators, thinkers, and problem solvers. Our mission is simple yet profound: to ignite the spark of curiosity, foster a love for learning, and equip young minds with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Through a diverse array of programs, workshops, competitions, and resources, we provide Canadian youth with unparalleled opportunities to delve into the fascinating world of science. From hands-on experiments to cutting-edge research projects, we offer a platform for students to explore their interests, develop their talents, and pursue their passions in STEM fields.

Our community is comprised of driven and talented young individuals from across Canada, united by a shared passion for discovery and a commitment to excellence. Whether you’re a budding biologist, a future physicist, a tech enthusiast, or an aspiring engineer, there’s a place for you here at the Canadian Youth Academy of Sciences.

Join us on a journey of discovery as we uncover the mysteries of the universe, unravel the complexities of the natural world, and harness the power of technology to shape a brighter future for Canada and beyond. Together, let’s push the boundaries of knowledge, break down barriers, and create a world where science is not just a subject, but a way of life.

Are you ready to unleash your potential and make a difference in the world? Welcome to the Canadian Youth Academy of Sciences – where the possibilities are limitless, and the future is yours to shape.


We believe that every young mind has the potential to shape the future through the power of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Founded with a vision to cultivate a generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators, our academy serves as a beacon of excellence in STEM education and enrichment.

Our mission is to provide Canadian youth with unparalleled opportunities to explore, engage, and excel in the exciting world of science. Through our comprehensive range of programs, workshops, competitions, and resources, we aim to inspire a lifelong love of learning and discovery. From the classroom to the laboratory, from the computer screen to the great outdoors, we offer a diverse array of experiences designed to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and empower students to unlock their full potential.

We recognize that the future belongs to those who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. That’s why we’re committed to providing our students with a world-class education that goes beyond textbooks and lectures, emphasizing hands-on experimentation, real-world applications, and collaborative learning. By encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation, we empower our students to become confident, capable, and compassionate leaders in their fields.

Our academy is home to a vibrant community of passionate educators, dedicated mentors, and talented students from across Canada. Together, we share a common goal: to push the boundaries of knowledge, to break down barriers, and to build a future where science is not just a subject, but a way of life. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, there’s a place for you here at the Canadian Youth Academy of Sciences.

Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the wonders of the universe, unravel the mysteries of nature, and harness the power of technology to create a better world for all. Together, let’s inspire, innovate, and impact the future of STEM – one student, one experiment, and one discovery at a time.